Navigate Your Success with Our Expert-Designed Tools
The Mission of J.E. Austin Associates Inc. is to make an impact on the theory and practice of economic development through thought leadership and effective implementation. For the past 35 years, J.E. Austin Associates has developed innovative tools and frameworks to provide solutions to client needs. J.E. Austin has also published and contributed to reports and guidebooks that highlight best practices and offer insights to enable private sector development, entrepreneurship, and competitiveness.
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Selected JAA Frameworks, Tools and Publications
J.E. Austin Associates offers a concise yet comprehensive set of tools designed to enhance economic development and competitiveness. These tools, alongside others focused on institutional development and political economy analysis, collectively provide targeted solutions for sustainable and inclusive growth.
J.E. Austin Associates has pioneered strategies, tools and approaches for the 21st century approach to workforce development. Our objective is to build bridges that link industry clusters with their education and training providers in a manner that is sustainable, demand-driven, and private-sector led. The “Ten Bridges” tool, developed by JAA under the USAID Global Workforce in Transition project (GWIT), drives and strengthens this essential industry/academia linkage. The interactive tool has been effectively implemented in eight countries.
JAA pioneered unique and effective competitiveness building approaches that were combined by development agencies into comprehensive economic development programming. Our approaches include strategic coaching and expertise to lead firms and high-potential industry clusters. These methods have subsequently been adapted to focus on gender, youth and regions-at-risk. In some countries, JAA has worked with national leadership to produce National Competitiveness Reports, focusing a nation’s attention on key challenges and drawing the world’s attention to its efforts.
A suite of tools to strengthen government institutions, business associations, and other institutions involved in the economy and governance. This holistic approach to capacity development includes tools that provide focused assistance in organizational optimization, process improvement, management training and coaching, strategic communications, human resource development, information management, technology optimization, and financial management.
Political Economy Analysis (PEA) is a powerful tool for identifying what is possible within the dynamics and constraints of a particular system and priorities for improving the existing environment. Our approach to PEA applies the framework to national business enabling environments, sub-national regions, specific industry value chains, and market systems activities in emerging economies. JAA’s Political Economy Analysis Toolkit includes leadership mapping, power and power perception, market systems, focus groups and attitudinal analysis, private sector, ecosystems mapping, environmental sustainability analysis, and inclusive growth analysis. JAA also looks at impacts on women, minorities, disadvantaged groups, and low-income populations to ensure that the results of PEA analysis support global objectives for socially-inclusive, environmentally sustainable, rapid improvements in economic growth and incomes.
Our proven approach to collaborative development and implementation of evidence-based and demand-driven policies, legislation, and procedures provide methods for drafting policies and legislation, conducting inclusive public-private dialogue, preparing government institutions and customers for successful implementation, and helping manage and monitor implementation. Our methodology ensures that new and amended laws and procedures meet the needs of businesses and other stakeholders and are designed and implemented in a way that maximizes chances that they achieve efficient and streamlined regulation and services.
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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

The World Bank and infoDev



World Economic Forum


The World Bank

The World Bank