Colombia Areas for Municipal Alternative Development (ADAM)
Colombia Areas for Municipal Alternative Development (ADAM)
The Areas for Municipal Alternative Development (ADAM) project was an effort by USAID to combat the production of coca by supporting the development of licit alternatives. Under ADAM, JAA provided managerial advice, value chain and market assessments, budget analysis, training, stakeholder dialogue facilitation, and linkages to larger markets for agricultural and forestry businesses in municipalities with a propensity for illicit drug cultivation. Specific JAA contributions included:
- A viability assessment of participating enterprises, resulting in a realignment of USAID priorities to focus on three specific businesses: Agroamazonia, Condimentos Putumayo, and Forestal Cauca.
- Reformulating the project’s workplan in cooperation with USAID, other partners, and stakeholders.
- Rallying stakeholders around sustainable business plans, institutional strategic planning, and cash flow discipline.
- Training of community-led boards in corporate leadership and transferring corporate decision-making to indigenous community representatives.
- Facilitating growth by assisting the enterprises in organizational restructuring, improving their production processes and equipment, training leaders in strategic marketing, giving legal advice, and procuring financing.
As a result of these efforts, two of the three targeted businesses are ready to operate on their own, and their products of the have become available to numerous Colombian buyers, including the two largest Colombian supermarket chains, Grupo Exito and Carrefour.
Duration: 2006 - 2011