Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD) in Ethiopia
Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD) in Ethiopia
JAA was a core partner on Ethiopia’s Livestock Market Development project, a Feed the Future (FTF) Initiative that contributed to Ethiopia’s Agricultural Growth Program (AGP). This project is fostering growth, created jobs for rural households, and reduced hunger and malnutrition through increased competitiveness of livestock value chains, including live animals, meat, dairy and leather. The project targeted regions and value chains that created leveraged benefits for smallholders and pastoralists, as well as increased participation of women and youth through new businesses, cooperatives and increased processing activities. JAA led the design and implementation of the project’s initial value chain and end market analyses, mentoring local firms and staff in data collection and analysis. JAA created the value chain survey criteria and trained and prepared the project’s local staff and subcontractors to collect field data. JAA then supervised the production of analysis and conclusions based on the data, offering continuous feedback. In a context where external data and conclusions are often distrusted, this collaborative process allowed for maximum ownership of the analysis by project stakeholders. Building off the value chain and end market analysis conclusions, JAA also facilitated the project’s creation of a long-term strategy.
Duration: 2012 - 2017