West Africa Trade and Investment Hub

West Africa Trade and Investment Hub
Over a four-year implementation period, JAA’s USAID-funded West Africa Trade and Investment Hub (WATIH) project strengthened the competitiveness and performance of West Africa's farmers and firms in high-potential regional and global value chains by working directly with lead firms and SMEs, strengthening the business enabling environment, facilitating international market linkages, and addressing agro-corridor constraints and barriers. The main components centered on cereals and livestock (maize, rice, cattle, small ruminants) and global (horticultural products, especially mango, cashew, shea, apparel) value chains, finance and investment, logistics, business enabling environment, and SME capacity building. The Trade Hub's activities generated vast increases in export volumes and values, regional trade, new investment and jobs; and have benefited historically underserved communities, including women and youth in rural areas. The main countries of JAA’s work included Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Senegal.
Duration: 2014 - 2018