J.E. Austin builds digital marketing skills of social enterprises in Vietnam

July 3, 2024
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J.E. Austin builds digital marketing skills of social enterprises in Vietnam

July 3, 2024
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For the last two years, JAA has been working diligently through the USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness Activity (“IPSC”) to foster locally-led, locally-owned solutions that contribute to improving the business enabling environment of Vietnam. A highlight of this project is the story of one company, Vun Art Cooperative.

Founded in 2016 by an individual with a physical disability, Vun Art Cooperative operates as a social enterprise, prioritizing employment for marginalized groups such as individuals with disabilities and autism. The cooperative produces a variety of artistic goods, aiming to provide job opportunities for disadvantaged individuals. Vun Art’s mission underscores the belief that every piece of torn fabric can contribute to art when placed thoughtfully, just as individuals with disabilities can enrich lives when given the opportunity.

In 2022, Vun Art launched its annual marketing campaign aimed at attracting students on summer break to visit their shop and create handicrafts from torn fabric. Despite modest engagement on their Facebook fan page—reaching 1,882 people with 122 interactions, 32 reactions, and two shares— Vun Art recognized that their online presence could be enhanced with expert guidance.

In April, Ms. Nguyen Thu Phuong, Vun Art’s Marketing and Communication Specialist, was introduced to support packages from USAID’s Improving Private Sector Competitiveness (IPSC) Activity in Vietnam. From May to June 2022, she participated in a training course focused on "Market Expansion Through E-commerce." Armed with new knowledge and practical tools, Ms. Phuong revamped Vun Art’s digital marketing strategy. She improved the cooperative’s brand visibility on social media, crafted compelling content that resonated with customers, and designed professional advertisements for Facebook.

Thanks to JAA and USAID IPSC’s technical assistance and mentoring, Vun Art saw a remarkable 21-fold increase in social media interactions, with post shares soaring by ten times. A specific highlight was a Facebook post about Mid-autumn Festival products and tours, which achieved 26,152 reaches, 2,574 interactions, 207 reactions, and 22 shares. Moreover, Vun Art’s sales from July to September 2022 surged by 10%, tapping into new customer bases across Northern and Southern Vietnam.

Mrs. Phuong emphasized, “IPSC's capacity building technical assistance for Vun Art came at the right time as we wanted to grow our market through digital platforms. Thank you USAID and IPSC for helping us improve our skills and knowledge. The tools, strategies, and skills we learned from the training truly helped us to improve our visibility, attract more customers in new markets, and increase sales. We are proud of our achievements and inspired to work harder to help other entrepreneurs with disabilities realize their dreams. Vun Art is more than a cooperative and work place. It is a family for many persons with diverse kinds of disabilities. USAID IPSC's support for improving our competitiveness has already helped us create jobs, generate income, and improve our community.”

This transformation underscores how targeted support can enable inclusive enterprises like Vun Art to thrive, creating jobs, income, and positive community impact.