Egypt Competitiveness Project

Egypt Competitiveness Project
JAA led the entrepreneurship task of this project, which was part of the Obama Administration’s Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP). GEP/Egypt was a multi-faceted, interagency approach to facilitate partnerships and create links between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship organizations, mentoring, skills development, access to finance, and other entrepreneurship resources. Under JAA’s leadership, GEP helped catalyze an angel investing group in Cairo, which led to seven investment deals, worth approximately $1 million USD. The program recruited and trained 50 potential angel investors and recruited over 200 mentors. As a direct result of JAA’s entrepreneurship program, over 150 startups were founded. The startups covered a broad range of industries, ranging from ICT and banking to agro-technology. JAA also helped catalyze sustainable and impactful ecosystem institutions that support entrepreneurs, including multiple startup competitions that now run all over the country (which are managed by local organizations), entrepreneurship programs in universities, and two different startup training programs. JAA designed and implemented the NexGen IT Boot Camp, a collaborative effort between ECP, the Government of Denmark, the U.S. State Department’s Global Entrepreneurship Program, and the Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (TIEC). JAA also supported the StartUp Weekend in Cairo (SWC), the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Days (IE) at Alexandria University, and organized entrepreneurship media training and advertising.
Duration: 2011 - 2013