USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity

USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity
The USAID Moldova Future Technologies Activity applies a market systems framework to co-create systemic interventions with Moldovan partners to transform selected sectors by applying new technologies, promoting innovation, and integrating with global markets. JAA provides technical support through long-term staff and STTAs to improve the competitiveness of leading growth sectors, in particular information and communication technologies (ICT), creative services, and digital media. JAA contributes to the development of policy actions supporting target sector growth and provides capacity building of the Moldovan business associations, centers of excellence and relevant stakeholders to create a transparent and business- friendly ecosystem. JAA is currently supporting the Mediacor- creative hub in Moldova- to boost entrepreneurship in digital sector and come up with new ideas, including green technology solutions. JAA has helped to develop Creative Economy Strategy for the Ministry of Culture and is currently supporting development of e-commerce roadmap for the Ministry of Economy.
Duration: 2021 - 2026